Impact of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Aligarh

Krishi Viyan Kendra, Aligarh is working with farming community in accordance to the mandate of KVK which includes On Farm Trial, Front line Demonstration, On Campus & Off Campus Training Programme, and other extension activities. During last three years through OFT & FLD KVK Aligarh introduced latest technology amongst farmers viz., Integrated Nutrient Management, Integrated Pest Management, Crop Diversification, Use of Biofertilizers, Production vermin-compost and their use in crop field to improve soil fertility, Use of Bio-agents viz. Trichoderma virdae, buveria bassiana, Trichogramma card to control insect pests & diseases through biological means and to reduce use of chemicals. In horticulture farmers were aware about hybrid vegetable cultivation, floriculture, fruit crops cultivation and resourse conservation technologies.

On Farm Trials

During 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 KVK Aligarh conducted total 22 On Farm Trials (OFTs). On Farm Trials were on planting methods of tomato, management of rice blast, integrated management of mustard saw fly, integrated management of root rot and wilt, nutrient management in mustard and pigeon pea; and varietal evaluation of mustard, wheat and brinjal. It was observed that planting of tomato on ridge and staking of the crop gave higher yield and better fruit quality as compared to flat planting of tomato i.e. farmers practice prevailing in the district. In OFT on management of rice blast effect of Carbendazim, Tricyclazole and Salicylic acid was tested. Spraying of Tricyclazole @ 0.75 kg. /ha twice at 15 days interval was found most effective as compared to spraying of Salicylic acid @ 01 gm/L twice at 07 days interval and spraying of carbendazim @ 1.0 kg./ha after disease appearance. In OFT on Integrated Management of Mustard saw fly application of Malathion @1.0 litre/ ha twice at 15 days interval was found more effective as compared to application of neem oil @ 2 litre/ha at 15 days interval. In OFT on nutrient management in mustard 17.53% increase in yield was observed by application of sulpher @ 30kg./ha with NPK-80:40:30 kg/ha.

Most of the farmers of the district Aligarh do not apply any fertilize in pigeon pea crop. Application of recommended dose of fertilizers and seed treatment with rhizobium culture was found more effective than application of only recommended dose of NPK. Performance of Rohini variety of mustard, K-307 variety of wheat and Pusa Hybrid-09 variety of brinjal was observed better in Aligarh district as compared to Varuna and Chapka variety of mustard, PBW-343 variety of wheat and Pusa Chetan variety of brinjal, respectively.


Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs)


During the above said period KVK Aligarh has organized total 304 Front Line Demonstrations. Detail of the demonstrations are as follows:

Crop Production

During last three years (2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15) introduction of latest cereals crop varieties for getting higher production were done which is as follows:

High Yielding Varieties of Crops:

  • High Yielding varieties of Scented Rice : Pusa Sughand-04, Pusa Sughand-05, Pusa Sugandh-1
  • High Yielding Wheat Varieties : Shatabdi (K-307), DBW-17, HD- 2733 and PBW-502
  • Late Sown Wheat Varieties : Halna (K-7903), Unnat Halna (K-9423), Raj-4120
  • Pigeon Pea : UPAS-120
  • Mustard : Kanti, varuna, Pitambri, rohini and kranti

With above varieties Integrated Plant Nutrient Management, Integrated Insects Pest Management, line sowing of wheat through seed drill, selection of crop varieties under timely sown condition, late or very late sown condition etc. technologies were demonstrated.


Plant Protection


During last three years (2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15) in Plant Protection Use of Bio-agents viz. Trichoderma virdae, buveria bassiana, Trichogramma card to control insect pests & diseases through biological means & to reduce use of chemicals. Seed treatment were popularize among the farmer to protect the crop from different diseases. Different herbicides for controlling weed in crops were popularize among the farmer to reduce loses during crop production




During last three years (2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15) introduction of latest varieties of Vegetables were done for getting higher production is as follows:

  • Tomato : Bhaggya, NP-7715, H-516
  • Okra : Karisma
  • Cabbage : Gronjil, NHCB-505, Ganesh
  • Cauliflower : N-595, Snow white, Girija
  • Chilli : Blocy, S-78, H-4884
  • Vegetable Pea : AP-03
  • Cucumber : Karina
  • Watermelon : Sweet baby
  • Muskmelon : Hara madhu
  • Long Guard : Anurag
  • Pumpkin : MH-1

With above varieties Integrated Nutrient Management, Integrated Insect-pest Management technologies were demonstrated. In tomato ridge planting and staking technology was also demonstrated.


During 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 KVK Aligarh has organized total 191 training programmes for practicing farmers and farm women, 32 training programmes for rural youth and 34 training programmes for extension functionaries. Total 5,312 trainees were benefited by the training programmes endeavors of the centre. Major thematic areas of the training programmes were resource conservation technologies, crop diversification, micro irrigation, seed production, nursery management, off-season vegetable cultivation, protective cultivation, training and pruning of fruit crops, soil fertility management, integrated nutrient management, micro nutrient deficiency in crops, integrated disease and pest management, leadership development, group dynamics and entrepreneurial development of farmers etc.

Other Extension Activities

Besides, OFTs, FLDs and trainings programmes KVK Aligarh has organized total 621 extension activities like advisory services, diagnostic visits, field days, kisan gosthies, kisan mela, method demonstrations and scientists’ visit to farmers field. Through these extension activities total 9,063 farmers of the district Aligarh were benefited.

Seed and Planting Material Production

Total cultivated area of the KVK farm is 15 ha. During 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 total 971 quintal foundation seed of wheat, 434 quintal seed of paddy and 28 quintal dhaincha was produced. In polyhouse established at the KVK, seedlings of tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, chili and brinjal were prepared. Total 92,800 seedlings of these crops were provided to the farmers. In 0.40 ha KVK has aonla orchard. The orchard was auctioned in Rs. 31,500.00

Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, tomato, coriander, radish, spinach, methi, vegetable pea, chick pea and green gram were grown in crop cafeteria of the centre to demonstrate the Good Agricultural practices (GAP) to the farmers visiting the KVK. Planting of sugarcane by trench method was done in crop cafeteria of the centre.

Soil Samples Analysis

Total 1270 soil samples were tested at the Soil Testing Lab established at the centre.


The KVK has established firm linkage with line departments, NGOs and input dealers operating in the district and regularly providing technical support to these. Detail is follows:

S.N. Institution / Department Type of Linkage
1 Department of Agriculture Technical support – Gosthies, Trainings, Kisan Melas, Monthly Meeting at District HQ Input supply support- Purchasing of seeds and agro-chemicals
2 Department of Horticulture Technical support – Gosthies, Trainings Input supply support- Purchasing of vegetables seeds and fruit trees planting materials
3 ATMA Technical support, Capacity building, Farmers Field Schools, Revising SREP
4 Department of Sugarcane Technical Support Supply of sugarcane varieties
5 IARI, New Dehli Supply of Pusa Sughandh-04 variety of rice for seed production and purchased pigeon pea seed for OFT
6 CSSRI, Karnal Evaluation of 41 lines of rice in soil salinity condition Supply of CSR-30 variety of rice for seed production
7 Private Inputs Dealers TATA Kisan Sansar- Technical Support Custom hiring of farm machninaries

Outreach of the KVK in the district