
OFT (Technology Assessment and Refinement) :

S.N. Institution / Department Type of Linkage
1 Department of Agriculture Technical support – Gosthies, Trainings, Kisan Melas, Monthly Meeting at District HQ Input supply support- Purchasing of seeds and agro-chemicals
2 Department of Horticulture Technical support – Gosthies, Trainings Input supply support- Purchasing of vegetables seeds and fruit trees planting materials
3 ATMA Technical support, Capacity building, Farmers Field Schools, Revising SREP
4 Department of Sugarcane Technical Support Supply of sugarcane varieties
5 IARI, New Dehli Supply of Pusa Sughandh -04 variety of rice for seed production
6 CSSRI, Karnal Evaluation of 41 lines of rice in soil salinity condition Supply of CSR-30 variety of rice for seed production
7 Private Inputs Dealers TATA Kisan Sansar- Technical Support Custom hiring of farm machninaries